Your stories
Former and Current clients share their inspiring stories of successfully finding and sustaining work with our Employment Specialists. Read on for the latest.
'Employment support' stories:
I learnt not to undersell myself
Julie* had suffered unfair treatment from her employer but didn’t have the courage to leave because she feared she wouldn’t get another job. After being referred by Harrow NHS Talking Therapies, she started working with Aleaha, her dedicated Employment A Read more
Feeling empowered to take control of my path
Alex* found Twining at a pivotal moment in his life when he was facing a series of challenges and needed employment support to help him explore his career aspirations in a safe and supportive space. Alex was introduced to Lakhvinder, his dedicated Employ Read more
Amy has been amazing every step of the way
Kimberley* suffered with epilepsy and had to leave her job due to stress and a toxic work environment. She really wanted a complete change of career but knew this would be a challenge for anyone and potentially exacerbated by her fears around ‘starting a Read more
Believing in myself
Abdul* had experienced time in hospital receiving secondary mental health care, but when the time felt right, he was referred to Twining Enterprise. His CV was incredibly strong with years of experience and good qualifications, but he was looking for sup Read more
Lakhvinder’s guidance empowered me to take control of my own path!
Ava* had reached a critical point in her life with some difficult personal challenges, when she was referred to Twining Enterprise for employment support. Ava started working with her dedicated Employment Advisor, Lakhvinder, who supported Ava to start t Read more
Sanjay is only ever a phone call away
Grace* was keen to return to work after a period of depression and anxiety, but as an older member of the workforce, she had lost confidence in her skills and what she might be able to offer a new employer. Working closely with her dedicated Employment S Read more
I wouldn't be where I am today without Shayna’s help!
Salma* had been feeling lost in her search for work; not sure what she wanted to do or if she’d ever find a job she loved. This all changed when she met her dedicated Twining Employment Specialist, Shayna. Shayna helped her to discover her strengths and Read more
Twining got me back into employment
Iris* had suffered with psychosis but wanted to return to employment and was referred to Twining Enterprise by her NHS secondary mental health care team. Over a period of two and a half years Iris worked with two different Employment Specialists, both of Read more
Sandra’s support made such a profound difference
MB* was referred to our West London Works employment support programme and matched with one of our Employment Specialists, Sandra. MB was delighted with the support she received and the “unwavering encouragement” she felt whilst working with Sandra to pe Read more
Thank you Twining for providing this amazing free service
Frederick* was referred to Twining Enterprise at a time when his mental health was deteriorating after leaving a job that caused him significant stress. He started working with his dedicated Employment Specialist, Astrid, who provided support and encoura Read more