Providing emotional support whilst job searching
When Brooke was made redundant it caused financial concerns at a time when she was already dealing with anxiety and trauma. Her therapist referred her to Twining Enterprise for employment support and she met Sandra, her dedicated Employment Specialist. Although Brooke was confident applying for jobs and doing interviews, she really needed someone alongside her to talk about the job searching process itself, and how it was making her feel. Here Brooke tells us in her own words how Sandra supported her…
I was made redundant in January this year. At that time, I had already been receiving some therapy via NHS IAPT for anxiety and trauma, so when the redundancy happened, it just felt like I had too much on my plate. The cost-of-living crisis, plus increases in my rent, meant that I was already feeling very pressured by my financial situation and redundancy caused that anxiety to worsen. Thankfully, I was having the IAPT therapy at the peak of everything and my counsellor referred me to Twining Enterprise, to help support me around employment specifically. At this point I was still trying to work, and it just felt like there was too much to try and solve on my own.
I was already actively looking for a job when my Employment Specialist, Sandra, started to help me. In fact, I was already getting interviews and I ended up finding a new job in March, having taken some time out to visit my family overseas.
I have a Diploma and I could do my own CV, complete application forms and attend interviews – but what Sandra provided me with was the emotional support. I found her calls just gave me that emotional boost to keep going with my job search and attend interviews. She was a reliable and consistent person that I could talk to about how I was feeling and feel like I was being truly heard. She was someone I could talk to about how I was feeling about the job-hunting process. I really appreciated Sandra being there for me at a challenging time. It was her emotional support that was key for me.
After one of my interviews I had some frustrating feedback that the hiring manager felt I wasn’t embodying the values of the company. Sandra really helped to reduce the frustration in me about this – she just said things that helped me to understand how I was feeling.
I had many rounds of applications and interviews and I was rejected by many of these; sometimes for such small reasons. Sandra made really good points when I needed to hear them most and that’s how I managed some of the difficult emotions I felt during the job-hunting process.
I have now found a new job and I’m getting some in-work support from Sandra. I’m not 100% happy with the new job - but I’m grateful for something that pays the bills. I’m just giving myself a break from financial worry for a while.
Throughout this whole process Sandra has just always been there for me. She listened to how I felt. I felt like she had a gift for listening that you can’t always pick up from training. We were able to talk about other things too; it helped us to build a relationship. She was a great emotional support for me at a time when I needed it most.
Before being referred by my therapist I wasn’t even aware of the types of employment services that can be provided – but this is such a great service to have and I’m so grateful for Sandra just being alongside me emotionally when I was searching for work, and even now, when I’m in my new role.
I don’t have any family here and I have a few friends, they become less and less as you get older, and it’s been a very difficult year. Sandra is a huge support to me. Twining Enterprise really is there to help people when they really need support.