Your stories
Former and Current clients share their inspiring stories of successfully finding and sustaining work with our Employment Specialists. Read on for the latest.
'career' stories:
Using my own experience to change lives
Following a serious road accident Zack found getting back into work tough. He took the brave step of seeking support via his GP and was referred to Twining Enterprise and his dedicated Employment Specialist, Peter. Just working alongside Peter to develo Read more
Feeling alive again!
Charlotte had experienced a long break from work due to a serious mental health condition, which made looking for, and finding work again, a huge challenge. She worked with several of our Employment Specialists at different points in her recovery journey Read more
Support in job search following redundancy
Following redundancy Chandra was really struggling with her mental health and her ability to cope with life, like she once did. Her fear of being rejected by a potential new employer became so much that she needed help to re-start her job search. Chandr Read more
From being in a dark place to helping others face similar feelings
Daniel felt incredibly lost in himself, and when things became too much at work, he felt like life was not worth living. Thankfully he found Twining Enterprise and his Employment Specialist, Helen, at just the right time. Helen supported Daniel to find Read more
Help to retain a job I loved!
Sarah loved her job in academia until issues emerged within her team which seriously threatened her position. As a single mum who had fought hard for her job, her status and income, Sarah wasn’t ready to just walk away, but didn’t know what to do next an Read more
Eight years later Anthony continues to blossom in career & confidence!
We recently heard from one of our ex-clients - eight years after supporting him into employment! Reading about how, following the support he had received from us, he has blossomed in both his career and confidence – filled us with pure joy! We contacted Read more
Severe ill health left Nicole feeling low, but Twining lifted her up!
Nicole had faced a very difficult period in her life battling a rare cancer and the death of her father – also to cancer. Furthermore, Nicole also endured long COVID, and all of this whilst raising her young daughter largely on her own. This hard time l Read more
Working hard to change her future for the better!
Alyaa was depressed and felt like she could not do anything for herself, or for her family. However, after being referred to Twining Enterprise for help, and meeting Senior Employment Specialist Debra, she re-discovered her positive energy and now has a Read more
From feeling like he was failing to getting a job he loves!
Aarif was struggling to get out of bed in the morning, and the more he tried to get his life back, the more he felt he was failing. He decided to take things one step at a time – seeking support through counselling, then a course of CBT, which eventually Read more
Twining Enterprise helped me to become a work coach
From workplace burnout and subsequent mental health problems, Aditya explains how working with Twining Enterprise helped him get back on track with a new job, and improved mental wellbeing. Read more