Developing the confidence to look for new work

Amrita had been experiencing significant stress and anxiety at her workplace when she found her Twining Employment Specialist, Monica. Monica took the time to listen and support Amrita which made her feel heard and understood. Being seen in this way gave Amrita the confidence to look for new work, despite having been in the same organisation for 20 years. Here Amrita tells us, in her own words, how Monica helped her...
“Monica at Twining Enterprise provided me with the right professional support and guidance that I needed to help me deal with my stress and anxiety at my workplace. Monica understood exactly why I felt the way I did from the discussions that took place and advised me accordingly.
The legal knowledge and guidance she provided, gave me the confidence to get back into work according to my legal rights. This experience has also helped me gain confidence in looking for different job opportunities after working with an establishment for 20 years.
I really appreciate your support and help. Thank You”