Sanjay is only ever a phone call away

Grace* was keen to return to work after a period of depression and anxiety, but as an older member of the workforce, she had lost confidence in her skills and what she might be able to offer a new employer. Working closely with her dedicated Employment Specialist, Sanjay, she felt supported to find a new job; and they have continued to speak on a bi-weekly basis as she settles into this new chapter of her working life. Grace felt so inspired by her time with Twining she wrote in to describe her experience of the employment support she received…
As an older member of the workforce, and having gone through a period of depression and anxiety, I turned to Twining Enterprise for support when seeking employment.
Whilst I undertook my own job searches and applications, I have found Sanjay to be very reliable. I was seeking an administrative role. When my confidence was low, he reminded me of my previously acquired experience and skills and how transferable these would be in the workplace, therefore making me an asset to an employer.
Having fairly recently commenced a new job, I have found Sanjay helpful as a sounding board when talking through the pros and cons of the role. Stepping out into the workplace once again, I have felt supported, knowing that Sanjay is only a phone call away and comforted knowing that I am not under any time restrictions from Twining’s services. As it is still early days in the role, we have continued to have regular calls – currently every two weeks during which we discuss how I am getting on and how I feel about the job.
For anyone whose confidence is low and they are seeking to discuss options, relatable skills and need a bit of a guiding hand, I would recommend Twining Enterprise.
*Name and picture changed to protect client anonymity