Launching Journey to Employment in South London

J2E a DWP initiative, forms part of the Government's work, health and disability green paper updated in November 2016. This new form of employment support is intended to provide a more holistic approach to each individual's circumstances which has always been the Twining approach.
The overall aim of J2E is to deliver a peer led package of support to improve work and health outcomes for disabled people or those who have long-term health condition.
J2E peer support courses & job clubs will offer a holistic package of support combining peer support techniques and personalised work ready activities to support participants to engage with peers and reconnect with the labour market.
Our Community Employment Specialists will run courses, job clubs and develop links with the community, local job centres and employers. A large part of these new Community Employment Specialist roles will be about community engagement. This is different focus than for many of our other Employment Specialists who are based within job centre or NHS settings.
Two services have been launched in the London Boroughs of Lewisham and Greenwich. Courses have now started in both Boroughs.
We would like to thank job centres in both Boroughs for their support in explaining this new service to their customers and enabling us to gain referrals.
Tracy Douthwaite, Interim Deputy Head of Service
The key aims of J2E
- Increase confidence levels
- Provide condition management techniques
- Increase and improve work ready skills
- Strengthen local community participation to prevent social isolation
- Move closer to or into employment
Each service will:
- Support 110 people in a year
- 8 peer support job clubs during the course of the year
- Each course will run for 12 weeks,
- Each course will support 12-15 participants
- Weekly employment drop in hub following completion of the first 12 week job club
Who is the service for?
- People with mental health issues, disabilities and long term health conditions
- ESA Work related activity group from 3rd April 2017
If you would like to know more about the programme please contact Tracy Douthwaite on 07539344402.