
Social Enterprise SEEC is becoming part of Twining

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Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust set up SEEC (Social Enterprise Employment Company) in 2012 to provide independent employment support to patients and carers. SEEC has been improving the lives of those with mental health conditions in the London Boroughs of Greenwich, Bexley, Bromley and Lewisham. Since they were founded they have supported over 200 people into paid employment, volunteering and mainstream education.

The SEEC and Twining Enterprise visions and missions are closely aligned, striving for a world where people with mental health needs enjoy access to the same life and work opportunities as everyone else.

Current financial challenges faced by Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust require a focus of resources on meeting the health and social care needs of their patients. This means that they will no longer continue to fund SEEC's work in addition to the services they are commissioned to deliver. From 1 May, SEEC is no longer taking further referrals from Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust as it closes its operations. 

Ben Travis, Chief Executive, Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust said: 

We have taken this decision, knowing that there are a range of alternative supports to help patients and carers return to employment and our clinicians will continue to support patients wishing to return to work.

It has been decided that in the best interest of SEEC and Twining’s clients and staff that Twining Enterprise will continue to deliver the work of SEEC. This will reduce bureaucracy and enable a more efficient delivery, whilst maintaining important local and institutional knowledge.

The Twining Enterprise Board are thankful to the SEEC Board for their excellent work in governance over the past four years and their support in managing the transition to Twining Enterprise for the delivery of work in South East London.

SEECs work will now come under the Twining Enterprise umbrella. Services in Bromley and Bexley are no longer taking referrals but it is hoped that new services will begin in the coming months.

Twining Enterprise are delighted to announce that new Journey to Employment contracts have been secured to deliver in Greenwich and Lewisham with projects taking referrals from May 2017.

We are delighted to welcome the team at SEEC into the Twining Enterprise family and really pleased that we can continue to provide our vital services to people in Greenwich and Lewisham.

Bob Kitchen, CEO Twining Enterprise

Those living in Bromley and Bexley should currently consider contact the following organisations as SEEC and Twining Enterprise are unable at present to take referrals in these boroughs.

Bromley: Bromley & Lewisham Mind - 020 8289 5020

Bexley: Re-Instate Employment Service, please call 020 8320 1212 or email info@re-instate.co.uk

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